Dogs In Our Care

The dogs in our care are constantly changing, as old friends find their “forever” homes and new friends in need come to us. The best way to review available dogs is through our Facebook page, which is updated regularly. Please note that some of our dogs have special needs. We will work closely with potential fosters or adopters to understand the unique nature of each dog and what they need in a home. We’re here to set each dog and family up for “forever” success, whatever it takes. Please complete an application to start the conversation!



Rosalee is the world’s easiest dog! At 14 years old, all she’s looking for is a soft place to nap and a human to love. She is has good mobility and is being treated for some minor skin issues. She was so grateful to be pulled from the shelter and tell us “thank you” every day.



If you’re ready to provide a warm lap and soft bed, this sweetheart will love you forever. Coco is 14 years old and has Cushings disease, which is managed through medication. Here at DDB, we have special love for senior dogs, and Coco is a perfect example of why. She wants nothing more than pats and slow walks, and a soft place to curl up for hours…preferably with her humans nearby. If you’re willing to foster Coco, DDB will cover the cost of her medical needs.



Angel joined the DDB family over a year ago, in about the worst shape we’ve ever seen a dog. She was kept chained her entire life, a skeleton covered in bugs and sores. The vet didn’t expect her to survive her heartworm treatment. Despite this incredibly hard life, Angel has nothing but love for people. It’s hard to get a good photo of her because she’s so wiggly and happy to see you! Angel is a special case that will likely remain with DDB her entire life, but donations to help with her care are much appreciated.


Rico talks a tough game to newcomers for about 60-seconds, and then is begging to be cuddled. He’s a 10-pound chihuahua mix, about 4 years old, and bilingual! Rico is friendly with other dogs, crate-trained, neutered, and housebroken, and highly motivated by treats. Due to his small size, we do not recommend Rico with small children. Available for foster or adoption.



The eyes say it all, Willow has been through some very tough times. She came to us nearly hairless from health issues and stress. It’s been our privilege to nurse her back to health. She is still fearful, but starting to build trust again. Willow is an older dog with significant health and dental challenges. We doubt she will be able to go to a home, but we are willing to talk to committed potential adopters who understand her challenges and will love her for the rest of her days.


Sweet Teddy came to us recently from the local shelter, 20 pounds underweight, with heartworms, mobility problems and loads of other health issues. This beautiful boy is in a foster home now being nursed on a diet of chicken and love. Teddy is not available for adoption but we could really use donations to support his extensive medical needs.


Sweet Hailey came to us on Christmas Day, the best gift ever! She’s about a year-old lab mix, spayed, and with the sweetest temperament and house manners. She would make a great family dog! Available for adoption.


Is this a dog or a baby deer? Petey is a young chihuahua mix with the cutest long legs you’ve ever seen! He came to us from the local animal shelter with trust issues, but he’s calming down and has loads of happy energy. He’s great with other dogs, and goes nuts for his toys. Petey is currently in a foster home, hoping for his “forever” home. Is that you?


The next dog

The hard truth is that dogs will keep coming to us in need of care. We take in the very worst cases of abandon, neglect, old age and injury, and do what it takes to nurse them back to health, physically and emotionally. Our facility has limited space and we hate to turn away dogs in need. Your donations make it possible for the next dog to have a photo on this wall, and have a chance at the “forever” home they deserve.